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Term of Use

Terms of Use

This Terms of Use ("the Terms") defines the conditions of use for the services provided on this website by Editorial Department Corporation ("the Company"). All registered users ("Users") are required to use the services in accordance with these Terms.

Article 1 (Application)
These Terms shall apply to all relationships related to the use of the Services between the User and the Company.

Article 2 (Registration)
Registration is completed when an applicant applies for registration using the method specified by the Company, and the Company approves it.
The Company may refuse to approve the application for registration if it determines that the applicant has any of the following reasons, and it is not obligated to disclose the reasons for its decision:

(1)If false information is provided in the application for registration.
(2)If the application is from a person who has violated these Terms.
(3)In other cases where the Company deems the registration to be inappropriate.

Article 3 (Management of User ID and Password)
Users are responsible for managing their user ID and password for this service.
Under no circumstances may a user transfer or lend their user ID and password to a third party.
If the combination of a user ID and password matches the registered information and is used to log in, the Company will regard this as use by the user who registered that user ID.

Article 4 (Usage Fees and Payment Method)
As consideration for the use of this service, users shall pay the usage fees established separately by the Company and displayed on this website by the method specified by the Company.
If a user delays the payment of usage fees, they shall pay a late penalty fee at an annual rate of 14.6%.

Article 5 (Prohibited Actions)
In using this service, users must not engage in the following actions:

(1)Acts that violate laws or public order and morals.
(2)Acts related to criminal activity.
(3)Acts that destroy or interfere with the functions of the company's servers or networks.
(4)Acts that may interfere with the operation of the company's services.
(5)Acts of collecting or accumulating personal information about other users.
(6)Acts of impersonating other users.
(7)Acts of providing direct or indirect benefits to anti-social forces in connection with the company's services.
(8)Other acts that the company deems inappropriate.

Article 6 (Suspension of Service)
The company may suspend or interrupt all or part of this service without prior notice to the user if it determines that any of the following circumstances exist:

(1)When performing maintenance, inspection, or updating of the computer system related to this service.
(2)When the provision of this service becomes difficult due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fire, power outages, or natural disasters.
(3)When computers or communication lines stop working due to an accident.
(4)When the company determines that the provision of this service is difficult for other reasons.

The company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by users or third parties due to the suspension or interruption of this service, regardless of the reason.

Article 7 (Usage Restrictions and Deletion of Registration)
The company may, without prior notice, restrict the user from using all or part of this service or delete the user's registration in the following cases:

(1)If the user violates any of the provisions of these terms and conditions.
(2)If it is found that there are false facts in the registered items.
(3)In other cases where the company deems the use of this service to be inappropriate.

The company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user as a result of actions taken by the company based on this article.

Article 8 (Disclaimer)
The company's liability for non-performance of obligations shall be waived unless caused by the company's intentional misconduct or gross negligence.
Even in cases where the company is liable for any reason, the company shall only be liable for compensation within the scope of damage that can normally occur and, in the case of paid services, within the range of the service fee amount (or the equivalent amount for one month in the case of continuous services).
The company shall not be responsible for any transactions, communications, or disputes that arise between users and other users or third parties in relation to this service.

Article 9 (Changes to Service Content, etc.)
The company may change the content of this service or discontinue the provision of this service without notifying users and shall not be liable for any damage incurred by users as a result.

Article 10 (Amendment of the Terms of Use)
The company may amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice to the user if deemed necessary.

Article 11 (Notices and Communication)
Any notices or communication between the user and the company shall be conducted in accordance with the methods specified by the company.

Article 12 (Prohibition of Transfer of Rights and Obligations)
The user shall not transfer or provide as collateral their status under the usage contract or rights or obligations based on these terms and conditions to any third party without the prior written consent of the company.

Article 13 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
In interpreting these terms and conditions, Japanese law shall be the governing law.

In the event of a dispute arising in relation to this service, the courts with jurisdiction over the location of the company's head office shall have exclusive agreement jurisdiction.

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